Keys of inquiry to articulate the history of visual education in the city of Neiva

Claves de indagación para articular la historia de la educación visual en la ciudad de Neiva


Jaime Ruíz Solórzano

The following text constitutes an entry into the history of visual education, which took place in the city of Neiva between 1884 and the beginning of 2004; it means, from the start-up of the School of Arts and Crafts to the expansion of what in its time was called "non-formal visual education". For this purpose, the article contemplates the following sections: 1. Visual education through the educational system and school texts, with two sections: one on artistic and aesthetic education; another in bherent to the photo-engravings, engravings and illustrations of school texts. 2. The institutionalization of visual education that includes, first, the "Cultural outreach Section of the Department" and the creation of the ITCUSCO Surcolombian University Technical Institute; second, the "School of Fine Arts"; third, the Visual Arts Degree from the Surcolombiana University and "non-formal visual education".



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Author Biography / See

Jaime Ruíz Solórzano, Universidad Surcolombiana

Docente. Grupo de Investigación ALTERARTE

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