


Martha Isabel Barrero Galindo

Through the law 1916 of July 12, 2018, the Nation was linked to the celebration of the Bicentennial of the Campaign declared cultural heritage of the Nation to the municipalities that were part of the Liberating Route. By making such a tribute in the context of peace and post-conflict, Colombian society could reconstruct with great sense the memories of the emergence and formation of the nation to respond to today's problems. It will also be the opportunity to remember that in Colombia the first republican constitutions of South America were drafted that supported ideas of freedom, democracy, inclusion, equity, justice and fundamental rights.

This is also the opportunity to think about the way in which the history of our country has been written, but above all how it has been taught, this in order to reveal that actors and events have been ignored or made invisible; This task may redirect the research that currently exists and perhaps consolidate new lines of research that allow us to have a broader notion of what Colombia's history has been seen from different perspectives.

The above also implies taking a look from the regional level since the peoples also had history, we cannot limit their existence to the passage or presence of important characters or think that the processes that were carried out there were similar to those in the center of the country.




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Author Biography / See

Martha Isabel Barrero Galindo, Universidad Surcolombiana

Docente Facultad de Educación, Licenciatura en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Surcolombiana

Doctora en Historia
Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá

Magister en Historia
Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Especialista en Filosofía
Universidad del Tolima

Licenciada en Ciencias Sociales
Universidad del Tolima

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