The colombian university. Historical development

La Universidad Colombiana. Desarrollo histórico


Aura Elena Bernal de Rojas

The university passes to America very early. It had already been in operation for 300 years in Europe, when towards the end of 1,538 the University of Santo Domingo was founded.

The University in this part of the world is born under the joint auspices of the Spanish crown and the pontificate. The model of the university in America was that of Salamanca. Era in which Theology and Culture were the same. The University was monastic, founded on moral and spiritual. (Mendoza, 1979)

Although the American institutions of higher education initially had a marked character of college-seminary or house of superior studies of the religious orders, it is a fact that the universities soon evolved in a sense of openness to the Creole elites contributing to the creation of the American spirit which was decisive in the independence movement



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Author Biography / See

Aura Elena Bernal de Rojas, Universidad Surcolombiana

Docente Programa de Psicopedagogía. Facultad de Educación

Bohorquez Casallas, Luis Antonio. La-Evolución Educativa en Colombia. Cultural colombiano Ltda. Bogotá, 1956.

Echeverry, Alberto (1989). Santander y la Instrucción Pública 1819-1840. Foro Nacional por Colombia. Universidad de Antioquia. Bogotá.

García, Antonio (1985). La Crisis de la Universidad. Plaza y Janes. Bogotá.

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